Dr. Wu's team improved the motor, speech, and intellectual difficulties that had bothered me for over 3 years in just 2 weeks.

Mr. Anthony Dexter Ravenell, a 59-year-old gentleman from the United States, unfortunately suffered from multiple system atrophy-cerebellar type (MSA-C), which caused progressive balance and motor difficulties, as well as speech and intellectual deterioration that impaired his basic self-care abilities.

However, Mr. Anthony Dexter Ravenell and his family learned that Dr. Wu's team's world-renowned stem cell technology and CAST treatment methods had changed the destiny of those with similar afflictions. He eventually came to Wu Medical Center.

After receiving Dr. Wu's team's careful treatment, just 2 weeks later, Mr. Anthony Dexter Ravenell's motor function, speech ability, and intelligence significantly improved. He could speak clearly and with strength like a normal person, with an increase in his speech speed; he was able to perform subtraction exercises successfully with double-digit numbers; his short-term memory had improved; his flexibility and stability of his limbs had improved; he could now independently roll over, get out of bed, and stand from a seated position, and he could maintain balance for approximately 3 to 5 seconds when standing on one foot. He could now complete independent short-distance walking and perform independent turns with a more stable gait than before.

Seeing their symptoms significantly improve, Mr. Anthony Dexter Ravenell and his family were very happy.
We hope we can help more MSA patients whose symptoms cannot be improved and whose condition does not stopped by traditional medicine!

To learn more Mr. Anthony Dexter Ravenell’s patient story, please refer to the following link:
Anthony Dexter Ravenell-Multiple System Atrophy-Cerebellar type(MSA-C)-(United States)


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