Why do I need to learn Braille? My eye disease has been cured.

Retinitis Pigmentosa patient returns to the workplace without worries

Amy is a 54-year-old beautiful Singaporean lady and an excellent professional accountant, but her vision problems, night blindness and loss of vision have been bothering her for many years. She was diagnosed with Retinitis Pigmentosa 8 years ago. Local doctors have issued an ultimatum to her: "Learn Braille while your eyes can still see, so that you can get used to your future life more quickly after losing your eyesight."

At that moment Amy did realize, but could not accept, that she would have to live in darkness in the near future without effective treatment. In a panic she began to look for the best treatment, experts and hospitals suitable for her all over the world with family and friends. Finally, they found that Dr. Wu and his team provided treatments that were the safest, most effective, least painful and had no secondary damage to treat Amy's ophthalmopathy. So in September 2014 Amy came to Wu Medical Center with her family full of hope.

Before the treatment:
 The radius was 10cm’s tubular visual field.
 Both eyes’ color sensation were normal.
 Her night vision was bad and photophobic.
 Visual acuity test (3-meter visual acuity test chart): left eye corrected visual acuity: 0.15, right eye corrected visual acuity: 0.25.
 Through use of an ophthalmoscope:
1. The right eye:
 The color of right eye bottom was light yellow.
 There were black osteoid sediment diffused.
 The border of optic nerve head and macular were clear.
 AV ratio was 1:3.
2. The left eye:
 The color of left eye bottom was light yellow.
 There were a lot of black osteoid sediment diffused.
 The border of optic nerve head and macular were clear.
 AV ratio was 1:3.

With a comprehensive understanding of Amy's personal situation and Retinitis Pigmentosa's disease characteristics and based on his more than 20 years of stem cell treatment of eye diseases successful experience, Dr. Wu made a treatment plan. In line with safe, effective, less pain and no secondary injury treatment principles, Dr. Wu tailored a treatment program for Amy using his original CAST (drug Cocktail Aided Stem Cell Therapy).

She successfully completed the treatment.
Everything was progressing smoothly, safely and effectively…

After 21 days treatment,
 The corrected visual acuity of both eyes was 0.6 in three the meters’ standard visual chart.
 The blood circulation in fundus was better.
 The black osteoid sediment diffused was less.
 The fundus color was better.
 The blood supply was better.
 The cyclogram: both eyes’ vision field was wider.
 Recheck ERG: electric potential was more (left was before, right was after), both sides F-ERG retinal rods, visual cone’s maximum reaction had low undulate form, so there was new retinal rods and visual cone.

Time flies, like in a twinkling of an eye six years have passed since the treatment of Amy. During this period she is still competent enough to do her job and is still good at dealing with complex financial statements and budgets in her daily work. Without the trouble of ophthalmopathy Amy not only achieved her career goals and enjoyed life better, but also got closer to her family and friends. We wish Amy a happy and satisfied life.

To learn more Amy’s treatment story, please refer to the following link:
Amy Qian-Retinitis Pigmentosa-(Singapore)

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