Szala Kaspian-Optic Nerve Hypoplasia-(Poland)

Name: Szala Kaspian
Sex: Male
Nationality: Polish
Age: 1.5Y
Diagnosis: 1.ONH (optic nerve hypoplasia) 2. Mild Anemia  

Before treatment:
The patient was a full-term normal delivery. His family members then found he had problems with eyeball movement as he always looks up. He was taken to hospital and diagnosed with ONH. For now, his pupils are larger than normal and have a weak reaction to light. He was unable to do the vision field examination.
His spirit, sleep, urination and defecation functions are normal. His diet is bad.

Admission PE:
Bp: 82/48mmHg, Hr: 110/min, breathing rate: 24/min, body temperature: 36.3 degrees. His height  85cm, weight 11.5Kg. Nutrition status is good with normal physical development. There is no injury or bleeding spots of his skin and mucosa, no blausucht. The respiratory sounds in both lungs were clear and there was no dry or moist rales. The heart beat is powerful with regular cardiac rhythm and with no obvious murmur in the valves. The abdomen was flat and soft, with no masses or tenderness. The liver and spleen were normal.

Nervous System Examination:
Patient was alert and had clear speech. He could not complete the examinations of memory, orientation and calculation. Both pupils were equal in size and round, diameter of 5.0 mm and had a poor reaction to light. The right eye had doubtful chasing light ability but he had an occasional response to strong sunlight. Doctors could not check his visual field. Eyes fundus examination: orange color of his eyes fundus, normal A/V, the foveal optic nerve head development was poor, the macula area development was not as good as normal, with an unclear border. The bilateral forehead wrinkle and nasolabial fold are symmetrical, swallowing function and hearing ability were normal. His neck was able to move freely, 4 limbs could move well, he could walk with support but he could not complete the 4 limbs muscle power examination. His 4 limbs muscle tone were basically normal, tendon reflex was normal,  abdominal reflex was normal, sucking reflex was negative. The bilateral palm-jaw reflex,Hoffmann sign of both sides, bilateral Rossilimo sign and the Babinski sign were all negative. Patient could not complete the sensory examination and coordinate movement exam. The meningeal irritation sign was negative.

After the admission he received related examinations and received 3 times nerve regeneration(neural stem cells and mesenchymal stem cells) treatment to active stem cells, repair his damaged nerves, active optic nerves, nourish nerves, regulate his immune system and improve blood circulation. This was done with rehabilitation training.     

After 12 days treatment his reaction to light was more sensitive and sometimes he now shows the ability of chasing light.

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